
#29 An Introduction to NA Meetings$0.25
IP #1 - Who, What, How & Why$0.25
IP #5 - Another Look$0.25
IP #6 - Recovery & Relapse$0.25
IP #7 - Am I an Addict$0.25
IP #8 - Just For Today$0.25
IP #9 - Living the Program$0.25
IP #10 - Fourth Step Guide$0.90
IP #11 - Sponsorhip$0.25
IP #12 - Triangle of Self Obsession$0.25
IP #14 - One Addict's Experience$0.25
IP #15 - PI & The NA Member$0.25
IP #16 - For the Newcomer$0.25
IP #19 - Self Acceptance$0.25
IP #20 - H&I and the NA Member$0.25
IP #21 -The Loner$0.36
IP #22 - Welcome to NA$0.25
IP #23 - Staying Clean on the Outside$0.25
IP #24 - Money matters - Self-Support in NA$0.56
IP #26 - Accessibliity…Additional Needs$0.25
IP #27 - Parents of Young People in NA$0.36
IP #28 - Funding NA Services$0.37
IP #29 - An Introduction to NA Meetings$0.25
NA & Persons Receiving Medication- Assisted Treatments$0.35
SPs : Social Media & Guiding Principles$0.36
SPs : Disruptive & Violent Behavior$1.03
SPs : Group Business Meetings$0.53
SPs : Group Trusted Servants$0.78
SPs : NA Groups & Medicaton$1.68
SPs : Principles & Leadership in NA Service$2.01